About Dr. Sandie Hucal
Dr. Hucal’s medical practice has been dedicated to women’s mental health since 1997, with a recent 3 year sabbatical devoted to the nonprofit horse sanctuary she runs NW of Cochrane, Alberta.
Since 2008 she has focused on nature and equine-inspired therapy for highly sensitive women. In the spring of 2022 she expanded her practice to include Ukrainians impacted by the war.
Dr. Hucal is a passionate advocate for animals, including the wild horses of Alberta. She also loves exploring in Nature, photography and inspiring greater compassion for all living beings.
As a second generation Ukrainian Canadian, whose ancestors lived in the Carpathian mountains with their namesake Hucul horses, Dr. Hucal is deeply inspired to help displaced Ukrainians and others who are struggling with the devastating impact of the war.
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